yes i did well they have some pronounciations like p and p' its ~ u form ur mouth like if u wanna say a p but dont say it just kind of let air out of your mouth~ its a bit difficult to explain
+ they have 2 different number systems
sino korean numbers and korean numbers~ u use them for different things.
sino korean numers for: minutes, seconds, days, years, floors etc.
but pure korean numbers for volumes, buildings ( i think hours too), i still didnt get that totally~
the pure korean numbers: (wich exist only until 100, after 100 you use sino korean numbers~~but i only learned them until 49 yet~)
1=> han(a)
sino korean numbers: (i think they are much easier)
1=> il
2=> i
3=> sam
4=> sa
5=> o
6=> yuk
7=> ch'il
8=> p'al
9=> ku
10=> ship
20=> iship
30=> samship
100=> paek
1000=> ch'ôn
10.000=> man
if you dont use the different numbers right, it might happen that korean ppl hardly understand you, or maybe they wont understand you at all
ah about the pronounciation, i think i'll write it down form my book (because it is an english book~~)
the a, b, etc. sound like in english the problems are just ch', p', k' etc~~
"the final four consonats on the list are aspirated versions (made with a puff of air) of the four consonants you have met alrady; k,t,p,ch. we romanice the aspirated versions as k', t', p' and ch'. to make these aspirated sounds shape your mouth in a rush. if you put your hand to your lips as you make them (or hold up a sheet of paper) you should feel the puff of air as you make the sound. imagine the difference between saying the c in of course if you were saying it calmly and naturally, and saying it again when you were irritated with someone "dont be ridiculour of course its not stupid" the difference can be important. as an example the word "pa" means concern, business (as in its not your concern) but p'a means a spring onion!" (taken from teach yourself korean)
yes~ i think~ >_<"
maybe it explained some things