this is an actual news of ISWAK 2
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Every hardworking ISWAK2 actors in my point of view......
Posting time: 2007/04/21 19:20:03
There has been a lot of news, and everyone is more and more clear about how I want to film ISWAK sequel.
ISWAK is a wonderful dream, I especially hope that the sequel is another satisfactory of happiness, Zhi Shu and Xiang Qin will become the substitute name for Momoe Yamaguchi and Tomokazu Miura from Japan, or Jia Ming and Rose from Hong Kong (novel by Yi Shu, a famous writer in Hong Kong), when people are creating characters in the future, Zhi Shu and Xiang Qin will be the representitives that comes to mind for happiness. We also saw a lot of other characters being exposed.......Of course everyone will think about who suits each one of those characters? Or who's got the most feeling to it.
But I wish that everyone can find ISWAK sequel full of surprises!On the other hand, I want to challenge myself as well.If we find the best suited actor for every character, it seems like it's decent, but then there'll be no surprises or the unexpected.
As for me, who hope that these young actors can develop very much, I don't want their performance be limited to a few kind of characters even more, I also hope that there'll be the infinite imaginery space for them. So, I try to take some bold tries, and I hope that everyone can see and like these actors' hardworking and conscientiousness facing ISWAK sequel.
This is the reason why Zhi Shu has to cut his hair, there's nothing wrong with the original hairstyle, and there aren't a lot of reasons that it has to be changed, but when everyone is too familiar with Joe's long hair, and begin to miss the Manly Zhi Shu, this kind of changes would be made interesting, and I really did find Zhi Shu's performance more feeling, after a few days of filming.
The married Xiang Qin, although she's confused and fuzzy, and passionate just the same as before. But, will there be any difference at all? When we edited the script, the Xiang Qin in the manga ran away from home frequently, and a bit bullheaded, but, I don't want her to test her love like this so constantly, so, there'll be changes in this part!
Keita is a very pure passionate youth, Figaro Zeng has given people the feeling of a tender child who never grows up, I hope starting from this drama, he can become a more attractive man, he now is busy with tanning and working out to be stronger, very concentrated to prepare for this, I can see his hardworking everyday, it's been a month since they first tried out their looks, I don't want to film his part yet, just forcing him getting prepared, seeing the great effort he made, I feel very happy inside.
Motoki is a very interesting character, now it's decided to have Danson Tang acting for this, this is a great challenge for him as well, he is even a bit resistant, because he has always seen himself as a very handsome guy, but I hope he can become a good actor. When people see him in the future, will think about all kinds of characters he played, like Tony Leung, who did not attract people with his handsome look, but with his attractive and all kinds of acting skills, and that's how Danson believed and accepted this challenge.
Marina was a flash of inspiration, I suddenly thought that we could get the Little Zhen, second sister in "Shiny 3 Sisters" Zhen is a very straightforward and outgong girl, but sometimes she can be very purely quiet, I always think that whenver people think of "Shiny 3 Sisters", they relate them to the Taiwanse local series and performance (Sorry I'm not familiar with this so can't translate more specifically), I feel a bit Sorry for them, if this time she can have some changes, it will enrich her experience in acting. The first thing we do is to make her eyebrows lighter, hope that people will see a completely different Little Zhen.
Tomoko is a very special girl. She is gentle on the outside but has a thing for blood. 5 bears (Although I'm still not used to this name, I'm used to Yi Zhen, her real name) was getting a lot of pressure on ratings for her new drama (Summer x Summer), although she doesn't need to take all the responsibilities for that, but to her who acted as the female lead for the first time, sure it's a strike. But whenever we see her, she always has the big smile, the wild laugh of hers, makes people ignore her pressure inside......Watching her appearing in the company, I really want to help her, to help her getting back the passion for acting, for her whose laughter is really wild as well as her gestures, and who cannot find the right directions of acting, I really want to find the delicate part of her performance, to let more people seeing her differently, and find good things about her.
Here I can tell you a character that hasn't been exposed, is the rival of Zhi Shu in school, (Funatsu) although he cannot beat Zhi Shu, he is crazy about this character will be played by Little Xiu's...Xiu Jie Kai (Sorry can't find any info on him, therefore don't know his English name...). Little Xiu has never played such a crazy character, but from the look we have already confirmed, I really look forward to it and I personally like it very much, but please allow me to keep you guys guessing, and please anticipate.
Wu Zun and Selina were confirmed that because of schedule and other reasons, this time will not act in the series......actually when we were only talking about it and was not confirmed, there were rumors spreading out, I feel it's not good either, and got Annie Yi (who was rumored to act as Xiang Qin's mother) mistaken us, this all is not what we hope for......but actually they're all very good and attractive celebrities and actors, we should have more opportunities to work together in the future.
From this new point of view, new tries and challenges, I'm actually a bit afraid, afraid that it won't be as abundant and interesting as I thought, and more afraid that it getting suspected, even disappointed from the fans who like them and supported them, but with a heart that wants to film a good drama, a heart that wants something different, a heart that wants more changes, it will lead everyone pass any hardship, and try to challenge on the most difficult path, and hope that everyone can give us more of best wishes and discussion.
I'm Winnie
credits to: NIGOAT of AF FORUM